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Human beings are not the only species thatcan be affected by the XM. In a series of research articles published on thejournal Science and Nature recently,scientists claimed that they found evidence showing that other social animals,such as bees, can also feel the existence of XM.
In an observational study where a team ofthe science workers has kept observing the bees around known Portals for years,they find that some bees have special preference on staying at areas with highXM density. They also presented faction segregation by their attitude towardsXM: some bees changed the color of their skin, which was originally in yellowor brown, into green or blue, see Figure 1.
What's more, like human agents, bees are alsocompeting for XM all over the world. A beekeeper near the Alps was surprised tofind blue and green honey in the hive, shown in Figure 2, which was later confirmedto be very similar to the intel situation near Indo-Africa shown on IITC.
Can XM affect social creatures? The answeris Yes. There is evidence that some solitary lepidopteran insects can also showfactional characteristics, such as the should-be-black but green beetle inFigure 3. Aikes Jae Ale, director of a research team, said that their findingsmay explain why some Operations on lands without human yields higher MU densitythan others.
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