
Ingress Beijing

英文原文发布于 Resistance Global News Network Ticker (RGNN ticker:https://t.me/RGNNticker)

Andrew Krug's cross faction European meet-ups continue. Here are some things the Niantic global community manager has mentioned during the sessions.   

  • For Ingress 2.0, Niantic has had discussions about many things. This includes raising the level cap, new items, etc. However, nothing has been finalized as they need to study how such changes will impact the game. Keeping the game play and economy balanced is very important to them.   

  • Andrew is advocating for more events like the Lux Explorer and MAGNUS Builder.   

  • Portal submissions will return, but no date yet.   

  • There is a long term goal of adding more functionality to OPR. What the specifics are have not been determined. It should be noted that Niantic can tell if a person or faction is trying to game the system.   

  • The OPR badge levels are still in development, but the current thinking is to have Onyx take a year to reach based on how many agreements (not reviews) an Agent has.    

  • Ingress 2.0 will not involve restarting your account from level 1, forcing faction changes, or making everyone communicate in only glyphs in Comm.

中文翻译版最先发布于 Ingress 故事剧情介绍(https://t.me/IngressStoryCHN 点击阅读原文可跳转)

  • Ingress 2.0 提高等级上限?新的道具?我们还在讨论而已!毕竟游(gong)戏(si)的平(shou)衡(ru)也是很重要的!也就是说我们还没有具体实施计划呢!慢慢等吧!

  • 类似 Via Lux Explorer/Magnus Builder 的活动还会有的!(K 仔:还让不让人好好咸鱼了……)

  • 申 Portal 功能会回来的!但我们不知道什么时候!(……)

  • OPR 会上线新功能!(怎么实现我不管.png) 

  • 我们会判断某人或某个阵营是不是滥用审核权

  • OPR 牌的具体升级数据未定,目前的想法是升黑玉大概需要当一整年的外包工……另,判断的数据不是单纯的审核总次数而是审核打分与最终结果吻合的次数

  • Ingress 2.0 不会让你数据清零,强迫更改阵营,或是在 COMM 里必须用 Glyph 说话!(……)


然而我们也看到了……Ingress 玩家喊了2年的功能:标注哪些  Portal 你去过了,已经在 Pokemon Go 里面上线了。

Ingress 玩家自嘲:是不是因为我们内购买的少所以新功能不给我们上呢?

不管如何,Ingress 2.0 将在今年某个 Anomaly 前发布已经是预订好的事情了,大家尽管期待吧。

It's Time to Move! 








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