杭州/深圳 Mission Day 活动的 #FindtheKlue 规则放出!
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#FindtheKlue 活动规则
预计 #FindtheKlue 活动在杭州 Mission Day 当天上午纪念合影结束后正式开始。
玩家需集齐杭州场专用的标有 THIS IS A KLUE! 标志的四张字母卡片(K、L、U、E)去签退地点换取一张 Klue 卡。
KLUE 兑换卡及防水袋样式 / example
每位玩家只能兑换一张 Klue。
这些字母卡片散落在 Mission Day 任务路点附近,请加入 https://telegram.me/mdc_deaddrop 频道获取更多情报。
Dead drop 所在位置图片样例 / example
How to play #FindtheKlue
Agents will need to collect "THIS IS A KLUE" cards, specifically designed for MD Hangzhou, with four of them each have "K, L, U, E" to obtain a Klue character card at check out venue.
The cards will be placed in water resistant bags, which contain multiple letter cards, and likely have duplicates in each bag.
Only one Klue for each agent.
The letter cards will spawn near official Mission Day missions, please join Telegram channel https://telegram.me/mdc_deaddrop for more Intel.
If you have excessive letter cards, please feel free to exchange with agents from both factions.
加入跨阵营群组 https://telegram.me/findtheklue 交换你获得的成果
Join the cross-faction discussion group https://telegram.me/findtheklue and exchange your letter cards!
Take a photo with your letter cards and share them to the open album: https://goo.gl/photos/ZsGjaoVaMJb9aQZ8A
It's Time to Move!
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