柔弱的妻子 Ver 2

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Ingress Beijing,点击上方蓝字关注




本着从不以最大恶意揣测绿军玩家的心态,蓝军 @ctroooo 前往该po进行确认,通过log可以发现是7级绿军ID为 @chinaCQ007 和4级蓝军ID为 @zadst 在进行互刷

@ctroooo 过去问了一句:“这么明显的互刷似乎有点不好噢”,然后 @chinaCQ007 回了一句:“你咬我啊”。

劝说无果,于是 @ctroooo 插上了高级脚跟AXA离去。

这件事本身无可厚非,但是接下来的事情让我们伙呆,8月14日,@chinaCQ007 在公屏突然对 @ctroooo 发出如下信息。


WTF?看起来是你先玩了这个游戏,觉得升级太慢让你老婆进游戏选个蓝军帮你刷?还有过去委婉的问一句就算骚扰了吗?还要通报绿军通缉 @ctroooo ,这是来刷新下限的?还是来秀智商的?难道是 @ctroooo 欺负了你跟你柔弱的妻子?


Ingress Community Guidelines

Respect the Community

We want Ingress to be a fun and safe experience for all players, and for everyone out in the real world where the game is played. Following these common-sense guidelines will help to ensure you and other players have a great experience, and that others are not affected by your game play. Remember that certain interactions that seem harmless or fun to you may be perceived completely differently by other players or bystanders.

Treat other players and bystanders with respect and courtesy and conduct yourself in an appropriate manner while playing Ingress. In particular:

Harassment: Things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, and inciting others to commit violent acts or to violate the Terms of Service are taken very seriously, and may result in account termination.

Privacy: Players are identified in the game by screen names that they select. Don't post or reveal other information about a user's identity, including their name, phone number, email or physical address. Don't reveal that information about bystanders or anyone else, either. We will suspend or terminate accounts that violate people's privacy.

Trespass: Don't trespass while playing Ingress (and don't try to lawyer that guideline, just respect it). Do not access any property or location while playing the game if you're not sure you have the right to be there.

Contact with Users and Bystanders: Some bystanders may be interested in what you're doing when you're playing Ingress, and some players may want to interact with other players, others don't. Use good judgment and common sense -- leave bystanders and other players alone if they don't want to talk to you. Unwanted physical contact with anyone while playing the game? Unwanted video taping or photographing of other players or bystanders? Insults or obscenities directed toward other players or bystanders? Are you kidding? No - don't do it.

Spam: Everyone hates spam - don't post any.

Inappropriate Content: We may review the Content you submit to Ingress (images, text, etc), particularly if another user has flagged it as offensive, and may remove it if we believe it's inappropriate for the game. That may include sexual or pornographic content, obscenity, or hate speech. ("Hate speech" refers to content that promotes hatred against members of a protected group. For instance, racist or sexist content may be considered hate speech).

Cheating: Don't do it. Methods of cheating, unfortunately, are limited only by cheaters' imaginations, but include at a minimum the following: playing with multiple accounts (one account per player, please); sharing accounts; win trading; using tools or techniques to alter or falsify your location; or selling or trading accounts.

We Enforce These Guidelines

We will review reported or flagged player accounts and content and will determine whether or not they violate these guidelines. Accounts are penalized for Community Guidelines violations - we may issue a warning, suspend you from the game, or (for serious or repeated violations) terminate your account. 


It's Time to Move!








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